Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
E47 Dave Walker and his Atomic Goodness
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
This episode was recorded during the early stages of the worldwide Coronavirus scare in the Western Hemisphere and we start of with talking about a crowdsourcing project that Ethan is working on.
Facebook group: Opensource Covid-19 medical supplies
Multiple crowd-sourced projects: #projectopenair #coventchallenge
Designing in OnShape (https://www.onshape.com/)
We eventually move on to talk to Dave Walker (https://www.instagram.com/davethewalker80/) and he tells us about how he got into cameras, photography and tinkering and about the atomic nature of his day job. He talks about the Bulldog 4X5 camera (https://www.ephotozine.com/article/bulldog-5x4-self-assembly-camera-large-format-review-7560) which is unfortunately no longer available.
He also talks a bit about a digital camera he built for infrared work in the darkroom using a car back-up camera.
The big reason we wanted to talk to Dave is his work with LCD shutters and their capabilities. They are very cool.
We move on to the Covid Camera Challenge: Build a camera at home with parts on-hand as low-tech or as high-tech as you want it to be. Build it and take pictures of it and send them to us. We will put together a PDF zine of the projects. If you can’t use it because you can’t get it developed or can’t get the film or whatever, that’s cool. We are aiming at an end of May deadline on this project.
The Revenge of Analog David Sax (https://smile.amazon.com/Revenge-Analog-Real-Things-Matter/dp/1610398211/ref=sr_1_2?_encoding=UTF8&keywords=the+revenge+of+analog&qid=1584980508&sr=8-2)
Graeme of Sunny 16mm https://sunny16podcast.com/
Wood and Graphite YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJJOStpzNewBJ0XfhRSsmfw)
Dave: beaver1801 (https://www.instagram.com/beaver1801/) on Instagram. Also on http://insusers.com/beaver1801
Contacts: Dave: https://www.instagram.com/davethewalker80/
Nick: Nick@homemadecamera.com
Ethan: Ethan@cameradactyl.com
Graham: Graham@homemadecamera.com
Thanks Robbie!
Also, go to http://frozenphoton.com/kraken/ to learn more about the Kraken now that it's been released.
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Release the Kraken
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
The digital files for the Kraken are available for download right now.
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
E46 Matt Bechberger
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
This week the gang talks to Matt Bechberger, longtime listener and contributor of some excellent cameras to the first Homemade Camera Podcast Zine! Matt is launching a new kickstarter campaign for Reveni labs, making a shoe mounted light meter. Check out the project here:
Saturday Mar 07, 2020
E45 - Thanks
Saturday Mar 07, 2020
Saturday Mar 07, 2020
In this episode the boys talk about their photographic mentors; how many shots in a roll are good, and if that matters; a chicken parade, whatever that is; future builds and what they've been up to this past week, including laser camera triggers; SWAT team device programming, making 3D printed pens, Drawing, and of course, camerabuilding.
Also, on a whim, Ethan made a Zine, check it out here: https://www.cameradactyl.com/buttergrip/camerastickers
Photographic Cameras and Accessories by Paul Hasluck ed.
Saturday Feb 22, 2020
E44 - Sandeha Lynch
Saturday Feb 22, 2020
Saturday Feb 22, 2020
This week Nick and Ethan have the pleasure of talking to Sandeha Lynch. Master Camera Builder and sculptor, Sandeha has some excellent work on his website at http://www.sandehalynch.com/ and is a pretty big fixture on the facebook analog photo community groups. Check out his website, and follow along with the show!
Friday Feb 07, 2020
E43 The Danger Boyz
Friday Feb 07, 2020
Friday Feb 07, 2020
We start our discussion with potential destinations for a dream photographic trip anywhere in the world.
Dave and Simon, the DangerBoyz, made a documentary film about shooting a photograph in a huge disused World War II oil storage tank in Scotland. Not only did they shoot the image in the tank, but they also set up a darkroom and developed the film and made a large format print of the tank. They talk about the film, how they met, and why they wanted to tackle this improbable task.
The discussion ranges from rock climbing to trash bag cameras, paper negatives in the dark and bickering with the world’s longest echo.
No interview with Si and Dave would be complete without a discussion about their documentary film, One Shot: Inchindown (https://inchindown.com/) and what it took to make a very large print from a negative they exposed in the super huge oil storage tanks in Scotland (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inchindown_oil_tanks).
Dave and Simon talk about what project they are currently working on (is Simon a bat?). Could lava tubes be in the future? Glass plates in a fjord?
We talk about what we've all been doing lately: Graham has been printing copies of his 6X12 camera that has now been renamed the Kraken and has an official release date (April 16, 2020). Ethan calls dibs on the use of the name Chupacabra (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chupacabra), Graham challenges Ethan for reserving the name, loses the argument but wins in the end.
Nick’s been in Tuscon this week, away from the dark skies of the Northwestern winter. He arrived with a broken medium format camera so he stopped at Monument Photo (https://www.google.com/maps/place/15+E+Fort+Lowell+Rd,+Tucson,+AZ+85705/@32.2650815,-110.9734827,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x86d67161ca413fd7:0x533e55b0f04641b0!8m2!3d32.2650815!4d-110.971294) and bought a 90-year-old Zeiss Ikonta that works wonderfully.
Ethan made a 3D-printed toilet tank flap holder. He loves to flush now.
Dave has been doing some photo mash-ups with swirl-spirals, triptychs and wax paper.
Simon Hanging off ropes upside down in the tanks. There’s a lot going on down there.
We move on to shoutouts.
Graham points out the Instagram feed of Thomas Berg (@ThomasBergPhoto).
Earlier in the episode, Ethan mentions Nikki Glaser (https://nikkiglaser.com/). He also gives shouts to Simon, Perry, Johnny from the Classic Lenses Podcast (https://www.classiclensespodcast.com/)
Nick mentions Werner Herzog’s Cave of Forgotten Dreams (https://www.ifcfilms.com/films/cave-of-forgotten-dreams)
Dave mentions Mikey Sturgess and his Holga posts. (https://michaelsturgess.com/) and Valde-North (https://twitter.com/jeremynorth?lang=en).
You can get in touch with us thusly:
Ethan (Ethan@cameradactyl.com)
Nick (Nick@homemadecamera.com)
Graham (Graham@homemadecamera.com)
Dave (DavidSAllen.com)
Simon (You'll know it if you run into him)
The show's not over once the music ends. (Cryptic hint of the day)
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
E42 Jeff Perry
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
We start off by talking about Ethan’s successful Kickstarter, the Brancopan. It’s been made real by you, the listeners along with others.
This week our guest is Jeff Perry from 20th Century Camera (https://20thcenturycamera.com/) We learn about Jeff’s real age (he’s nine, folks) and how he got started in photography and then built an automatic Jello Shot machine.
We find out that while Jeff likes modifying old cameras, part of his design ethic is to make any modifications reversible so the cameras can be restored to their original operation.
Jeff’s not only a camera modifier but also is a designer of full cameras, shutter systems, and the like.
Jeff makes a line of developing “reels” in sizes from 2 by 3 to 8 by 10 for sheet film (listen to the show for the full list or visit https://20thcenturycamera.com/). We get the story of the development (pun!) of these devices.
We roll on to our goals for 2020.
Graham has purchased but not yet received the book, Build Your Own View Camera!: An Easy and Inexpensive Passport to the Professional World of Photography for the Hobbyist by Bert West. He'll let everyone know what it's like when he gets it.
Jeff mentioned Peter Gowland (https://www.petergowland.com/) and Norman Dean (@analognmd on Instagram) who makes roll film backs for Polaroid Land cameras.
Graham mentions:
Ryan Wyss https://www.ryanwyss.com/cold-camera/2020/1/9/cold-cam-v2
Mina Saleeb asked if Graham was going to make a 6X15 or 6X17 version of the 6Twelve. The answer is not right now but maybe soon.
Michael Catalano mentioned that he is in the process of creating a 6X12 as well.
Get in touch with Jeff: Jeff@20thcentury.com Web 20thcenturycamera.com IG: @20thcenturycamera IG@Jeffery.Who FB 4JeffPerry, 20thCenturyCamera
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
E41 Panoramic Business
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
The guys start off talking about the process of designing any project and then launch into a discussion about the panoramic aspect ratio and the ways to shoot them. Ethan’s Brancopan (back it now on Kickstarter [https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/416154634/the-cameradactyl-brancopan]) and Graham’s 6Twelve are discussed.
They further discuss business models for getting designs out to the world.
Ethan needs a contact at Kodak, so if you know someone, drop him a line.
Nick talks a bit about methods of creating self-developing camera systems including a coffee cart that also is a camera.
Graham is giving away the alpha version of the 6Twelve and Holga masks. Go to homemadecamera.com/giveaway
Book: The Inventor and the Tycoon by Edward Ball (https://www.amazon.com/Inventor-Tycoon-Murderer-Muybridge-Entrepreneur/dp/0767929403)
Lori Brooks:https://www.instagram.com/fashionistalori/
Brendan Barry: https://brendanbarry.co.uk/
Dave Walker: https://www.instagram.com/davethewalker80/
Saturday Dec 21, 2019
E40 Brendan Barry
Saturday Dec 21, 2019
Saturday Dec 21, 2019
In this Episode Graham and Ethan talk to a man who needs no introduction, Brendan Barry, superstar camera maker. Brendan makes cameras out of Fruit and vegetables, shipping containers, trailers (or caravans for those listeners in the UK), blocks of cheese, and even a skyscraper. He may make the worlds most whimsical cameras. He is an inspiration to us, and will be to you too.
Unless you still have a carphone in a briefcase, you've probably seen Brendan's work before, but just in case, here are some links to his most excellent and inspiring work:
Friday Dec 06, 2019
E39 Daniel Keating
Friday Dec 06, 2019
Friday Dec 06, 2019
In this episode we talk to Daniel Keating about topics wide ranging from homemade cameras and films to bartering with the soviets over photochemistry. Daniel is an amazing resource of photographic and photochemical knowledge, and he gives a freight train of an interview that we suppose only scratches the surface of what he knows and has to share. This is a great one to listen to with a pad and paper, or google opened in your browser.
You can find Daniel on facebook, https://www.facebook.com/daniel.keating.tucson and if you're lucky, you can catch him on the homemade camera podcast facebook group!